About Lipiku

Lipik is a picturesque town in Western Slavonia, located on the slopes of Psunj, at an altitude of 152 meters above sea level. It is characterized by a mild lowland climate and the natural wealth of thermal mineral water, approximately 60°C at the source, with a chemical composition including fluorine, sodium, calcium, hydrocarbonate and others.

Slika perivoja u Lipiku


Naselje je izraslo oko izvora ljekovite vode koji su poznati još iz rimskog doba, a samo lječilište postoji preko 200 godina, te spominje pod nazivom "Jodne kupke" na karti vlastelinstva Janković iz 1782. godine. Krajem prošlog stoljeća izgrađeni su objekti i park kojima je oblikovan kompleks lječilišta. Najsjajnije razdoblje Lipik doživljava između I i II svjetskog rata kada je svrstan u krug najpoznatijih europskih lječilišta.

During the Homeland War, Lipik was devastated to catastrophic levels. However, today there is a busy effort to rebuild and construct new facilities, aiming to restore Lipik to what it has always been - a widely known tourist and spa center.

About us

Lipik Spa - Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation is one of the oldest economic entities in Lipik, with its centuries-old tradition primarily owing to the natural healing properties of the area where Lipik is located, as well as its excellent professionals who know how to combine natural resources and the best medical achievements in a combination that has brought healing to a large number of people.

The healing mineral water has a constant spring temperature of around 60°C (according to the latest analysis from 2020, 60.4°C), and its chemical composition is predominantly comprised of fluoride, sodium, calcium, potassium, and bicarbonate.

In its present form, the hospital has been operating since 1971, continuing the tradition of Lipik Spa, which is as old as the settlement itself - over two centuries. Lipik Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation specializes in the rehabilitation of neurological conditions and diseases, rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic conditions, postoperative rehabilitation, urinary bladder control disorders, as well as preventive treatment and health tourism practices.

Treatment is provided by specialist physicians, including 9 physiatrists, 1 rheumatologist, 2 neurologists, 1 internist, as well as a speech therapist, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, and other staff (approximately 200 employees in total). The hospital is equipped with an ECG and EMG cabinet, ultrasound cabinet, a kitchen with a restaurant, conference hall, and other facilities. The duration of treatment in the hospital depends on the type and severity of the condition and ranges from two to six weeks (average of 3 weeks).